User Manual for Implementing the Algorithms in PAMI Library

PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)

User Manual for Implementing the Algorithms in PAMI Library

Chapter 1: Introduction

  1. About PAMI: Motivation and the supporting people
  2. Maintenance of PAMI library
  3. Organization of algorithms in PAMI

Chapter 2: Preparation of various datasets (or databases)

  1. Transactional database
  2. Temporal database
  3. Utility database
  4. Uncertain database
  5. Location/spatial database
  6. Neighborhood database
  7. Geo-referenced database
  8. Multiple timeseries data

Chapter 3: Converting dataframes to databases

  1. Format of dense dataframe
  2. Format of sparse dataframe
  3. Approaches to convert a dataframe into various database formats
  4. An advanced approach to convert a dataframe into a database

Chapter 4: Creation of very large synthetic databases

  1. Creation of transactional database
  2. Creation of temporal database
  3. Creation of Geo-referenced database (under development)

Chapter 5: Printing, displaying, and saving the statistical details of a database

  1. Transactional databases
  2. Temporal database (partially under development)
  3. Utility database (partially under development)
  4. Uncertain database (under development)
  5. Geo-referenced database (under development)

Chapter 6: Implementing algorithms in PAMI

  1. Directly executing PAMI algorithms on a terminal/command prompt
  2. Mining interesting patterns using an algorithm
  3. Evaluating multiple pattern mining algorithms

Note: Click on the ‘Basic’ and ‘Adv’ links of an algorithm in the Github page to know more about its usage.

Chapter 7: Visualization in PAMI

  1. Visualization of spatial items

Chapter 8: Additional topics

  1. Generating latex graphs for publishing results in conferences and journals (under development)
  2. Creation of neighborhood file from a Geo-referenced database using Euclidean distance