PAMI - An Open Source PAttern MIning Python Library

PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)

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Creation of transactional database

This page describes the process to create synthetic transactional databases of varying sizes. Please note that this code is different from the widely used synthetic IBM data generator.

Step 1: Import the program

A synthetic transactional database can be created by calling generateTransactionalDatabase class in PAMI.extras.generateDatabase.

import PAMI.extras.generateDatabase.generateTransactionalDatabase as dbGenerator

Step 2: Specify the parameters

totalNumberOfItems=500      #total number of items that must exist in a database. Symbol used for this term is I
totalNumberOfTransactions=1000     #Number of transactions that must exist in a database. Symbol used for this term is D
probabilityOfOccurrenceOfAnItem=20  #The probability with which an item must occur in a transaction. The value ranges between 0 to 100. Symbol used for this term is P

outputFile='D1000I500P20.tsv'   #Specify the file name. 'D' represents the database size, 'I' represents the total number of items and 'P' represents the probability of occurrence of an item in a database

Step 3: Creating the synthetic dataset

data = dbGenerator.generateTransactionalDatabase(totalNumberOfTransactions, totalNumberOfItems, probabilityOfOccurrenceOfAnItem, outputFile)