PAMI - An Open Source PAttern MIning Python Library

PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)

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Sparse dataframe


A sparse dataframe is basically a (non-sparse) matrix in which the first column represents the row-identifier/timestamp, the second column represents the item, and the third column represents the value of the corresponding item. The format of the sparse dataframe is as follows:

  rowIdentifier/timestamp   Item1   Value

An example of a dense dataframe generated from the customer purchase database is as follows:

timestamp Item Value
1 Bread 3
1 Jam 1
1 Butter 2
2 Bread 7
2 Jam 2

Converting a sparse dataframe into different database formats

Currently, PAMI supports converting a dataframe into a transactional database, temporal database, ond a utility database. The users can avail this support by employing the methods available in dataPreprocessign.SparseFormatDF class.
We now present these three methods.

Converting a dense dataframe into a transactional database

A transactional database represents a sparse and binary representation of items occurring in a dataframe. The steps to convert a dataframe into a transactional database is as follows:

  1. Initialize the SparseFormatDF class by passing the following three parameters:
    1. inputDataFrame - the dataframe that needs to converted into a database
    2. thresholdValue - this value will be used to convert a non-binary data frame into a binary database
    3. condition - The condition that needs to employed on the threshold value. Currently, the users can specify the following six constraints: >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=.
  2. Call ‘createTransactional(outputFileName)’ method to store the dataframe as a transactional database.

A sample program to convert a dataframe into a transactional database and use it in a pattern mining algorithm, say FP-growth, is provided below

from PAMI.extras.DF2DB import SparseFormatDF as pro
from PAMI.frequentPattern.basic import FPGrowth as alg
import pandas as pd

# Objective: convert the above dataframe into a transactional database with items whose value is greater than or equal 1.
db = pro.SparseFormatDF(inputDataFrame=pd.DataFrame('mentionDataFrame'), thresholdValue=1, condition='>=')
# Convert and store the dataframe as a transactional database file
# Getting the fileName of the transactional database
print('The output file is saved at ' + db.getFileName())

# Using the generated transactional database in FP-growth algorithm to discover frequent patterns

obj = alg.fpGrowth(iFile=db.getFileName(), minSup='10.0')
patternsDF = obj.getPatternsAsDataFrame()

Converting a dense dataframe into a temporal database

A temporal database represents a sparse and binary representation of items occurring at a particular timestamp in a dataframe. The steps to convert a dataframe into a temporal database is as follows:

  1. Initialize the SparseFormatDF class by passing the following three parameters:
    1. inputDataFrame - the dataframe that needs to converted into a database
    2. thresholdValue - this value will be used to convert a non-binary data frame into a binary database
    3. condition - The condition that needs to employed on the threshold value. Currently, the users can specify the following six constraints: >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=.
  2. Call ‘createTemporal(outputFileName)’ method to store the dataframe as a temporal database.

A sample program to convert a dataframe into a temporal database and use it in a pattern mining algorithm, say PFP-growth++, is provided below

   from PAMI.extras.DF2DB import SparseFormatDF as pro
from PAMI.periodicFrequentPattern.basic import PFPGrowthPlus as alg
import pandas as pd

# Objective: convert the above dataframe into a transactional database with items whose value is greater than or equal 1.
db = pro.SparseFormatDF(inputDataFrame=pd.DataFrame('mentionDataFrame'), thresholdValue=1, condition='>=')
# Convert and store the dataframe as a transactional database file
# Getting the fileName of the transactional database
print('The output file is saved at ' + db.getFileName())

obj = alg.PFPGrowthPlus(db.getFileName(), minSup="2", maxPer="6")
patternsDF = obj.getPatternsAsDataFrame()

Converting a dense dataframe into a utility database

A utility database represents a sparse and non-binary representation of items occurring in each row of a dataframe. The steps to convert a dataframe into a utility database is as follows:

  1. Initialize the SparseFormatDF class by passing the following three parameters:
    1. inputDataFrame - the dataframe that needs to converted into a database
    2. thresholdValue - this value will be used to convert a non-binary data frame into a binary database
    3. condition - The condition that needs to employed on the threshold value. Currently, the users can specify the following six constraints: >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=.
  2. Call ‘createUtility(outputFileName)’ method to store the dataframe as a temporal database.

A sample program to convert a dataframe into a utility database and use it in a pattern mining algorithm, say EFIM, is provided below

   from PAMI.extras.DF2DB import SparseFormatDF as pro
from PAMI.highUtilityPattern.basic import EFIM as alg
import pandas as pd

# Objective: convert the above dataframe into a transactional database with items whose value is greater than or equal 1.
db = pro.SparseFormatDF(inputDataFrame=pd.DataFrame('mentionDataFrame'), thresholdValue=1, condition='>=')
# Convert and store the dataframe as a transactional database file
# Getting the fileName of the transactional database
print('The output file is saved at ' + db.getFileName())