PAMI - An Open Source PAttern MIning Python Library

PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)

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Visualizing top-_k_ geo-referenced (or spatially) interesting patterns

In this page, we describe the methodology to view top-_k_ geo-referenced (or spatially) interesting patterns in a database. The top-_k_ patterns were selected based on the number of items in a pattern.

Note: This article assumes that the user has already mined and stored the interesting patterns in a geo-referenced database.

Step 1: Specify the input file that contains the geo-referenced patterns

iFile = "interestingPatternsDiscovered.csv"

Step 2: Specify the k value as a parameter


Step 3: Call the program

#import the program
from PAMI.extras.graph import visualizePatterns as visual

obj = visual.visualizePatterns(iFile, k)