
**Home Real-world Examples**

Tutorial on geoAnalytics Python Package

Topic 1: Setting up the computing environment

Our geoAnalytics package uses PostGres and PostGIS for storing raster data. Furthermore, geoAnalytics package uses SPARK for running distributed algorithms. Thus, it is important for the administrator to setup the necessary computing environment.

###1.1. Pre-requisite

###1.2. Installation

    pip install geoAnalytics

Topic 2: Repository connection

Execute the below commands to establish a connection to the repository. Please note that the below commands have to be executed only once to establish connection for the next time.

2.1. Establishing connection to the repository

from osgeo import gdal
from geoAnalytics import repository as repo
repo.connect(repositoryName='repositoryName',hostIP='ipaddress',user='userName', password='passwd')
# Re-execute the above step if there exists any typo 

2.2. Testing the repository connection


Please contact the system administrator if you face any issues after executing the above command.

Topic 3: Repository maintenance

3.1. Creation of a new repository


3.2. Cloning a repository

repo.clone(repositoryName='sourceRepositoryName', cloneRepositoryName='newRepositoryName')

3.3. Deleting a band in a repository

repo.deleteBands(repositoryName='clone_kaguya_MI_test', bandNumber='1')

3.4. Deleting a repository


3.5. Size of a repository


Topic 4: Reading a repository

Topic 5: Data analytics

5.1. Imputation

5.2. Clustering algorithms

5.3. Classification

5.4. Pattern mining

5.5. Finding K-nearest neighbors

5.6. Image fusion

Topic 6: Graphs