PAMI is a Python library containing 100+ algorithms to discover useful patterns in various databases across multiple computing platforms. (Active)
Frequent pattern mining aims to discover all interesting patterns in a transactional database that have support no less than the user-specified minimum support (minSup) constraint. The minSup controls the minimum number of transactions that a pattern must appear in a database.
A transactional database is a collection of transactions, where each transaction contains a transaction-identifier and a set of items with their respective uncertain value.
A hypothetical transactional database containing the items a, b, c, d, e, f, and g as shown below.
tid | Transactions |
1 | a(0.4) b(0.5) c(0.2) g(0.1) |
2 | b(0.2) c(0.3) d(0.4) e(0.2) |
3 | a(0.3) b(0.1) c(0.3) d(0.4) |
4 | a(0.2) c(0.6) d(0.2) f(0.1) |
5 | a(0.3) b(0.2) c(0.4) d(0.5) g(0.3) |
6 | c(0.2) d(0.7) e(0.34) f(0.2) |
7 | a(0.6) b(0.4) c(0.3) d(0.2) |
8 | a(0.2) e(0.2) f(0.2) |
9 | a(0.1) b(0.3) c(0.2) d(0.4) |
10 | b(0.3) c(0.2) d(0.1) e(0.6) |
Note: Duplicate items must not exist in a transaction.
Each row in a transactional database must contain only items with their respective uncertain values. A sample transactional database, say sampleInputFile.txt, is provided below.
a(0.4) b(0.5) c(0.2) g(0.1)
b(0.2) c(0.3) d(0.4) e(0.2)
a(0.3) b(0.1) c(0.3) d(0.4)
a(0.2) c(0.6) d(0.2) f(0.1)
a(0.3) b(0.2) c(0.4) d(0.5) g(0.3)
c(0.2) d(0.7) e(0.34) f(0.2)
a(0.6) b(0.4) c(0.3) d(0.2)
a(0.2) e(0.2) f(0.2)
a(0.1) b(0.3) c(0.2) d(0.4)
b(0.3) c(0.2) d(0.1) e(0.6)
The input parameters to a frequent pattern mining algorithm are:
- String : E.g., ‘uncertainTransactionalDatabase.txt’
- URL : E.g.,
- DataFrame with the header titled ‘Transactions’
- count (beween 0 to length of a database) or
- [0, 1]
The patterns discovered by a frequent pattern mining algorithm can be saved into a file or a data frame.
syntax: python3 <path to the input file>
<path to the output file>
Example: python3
0.05 ' '
Import the PAMI package executing: pip3 install PAMI
import PAMI.uncertainFrequentPattern.basic.PUFGrowth as alg
iFile = 'sampleInputFile.txt' #specify the input transactional database <br>
minSup = 0.5 #specify the minSup value <br>
seperator = ' ' #specify the seperator. Default seperator is tab space. <br>
oFile = 'frequentPatterns.txt' #specify the output file name<br>
obj = alg.PUFGrowth(iFile, minSup, seperator) #initialize the algorithm <br>
obj.mine() #start the mining process <br>
obj.savePatterns(oFile) #store the patterns in file <br>
df = obj.getPatternsAsDataFrame() #Get the patterns discovered into a dataframe <br>
obj.printStats() #Print the stats of mining process
The frequentPatterns.txt file contains the following patterns (format: pattern:support):!cat frequentPatterns.txt
!cat frequentPatterns.txt
f 0.5
e 1.3399999999999999
b 2.0
b a 0.56
b c 0.51
a 2.099999999999996
a c 0.6100000000000001
c 2.7
d 2.9000000000000004
c d 0.8600000000000001
The dataframe containing the patterns is shown below:
Patterns | Support | |
0 | f | 0.50 |
1 | e | 1.34 |
2 | b | 2.00 |
3 | b a | 0.56 |
4 | b c | 0.51 |
5 | a | 2.09 |
6 | a c | 0.61 |
7 | c | 2.70 |
8 | d | 2.90 |
9 | c d | 0.86 |