PAMI.extras.neighbours package


PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighborsUsingEuclideanDistanceforPointInfo module

class PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighborsUsingEuclideanDistanceforPointInfo.createNeighborhoodFileUsingEuclideanDistance(iFile: str, oFile: str, maxEucledianDistance: int, seperator='\t')[source]

Bases: object

This class create a neighbourhood file using euclid distance.

:param iFilefile

Input file name or path of the input file

:param oFilefile

Output file name or path pf the output file

:param maxEuclideanDistanceint

The user can specify maxEuclideanDistance. This program find pairs of values whose Euclidean distance is less than or equal to maxEucledianDistace and store the pairs.

param seperator:

str : This variable is used to distinguish items from one another in a transaction. The default seperator is tab space. However, the users can override their default separator.


find and store the pairs of values whose Euclidean distance is less than or equal to maxEucledianDistace.


This function returns output file name.

Importing this algorithm into a python program

from PAMI.extras.neighbours import findNeighboursUsingEuclidean as db

obj = db.findNeighboursUsingEuclidean(iFile, oFile, 10, "   ")
getFileName() str[source]

PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighboursUsingEuclidean module

class PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighboursUsingEuclidean.createNeighborhoodFileUsingEuclideanDistance(iFile: str, oFile: str, maxEucledianDistance: int, seperator='\t')[source]

Bases: object

This class create a neighbourhood file using euclid distance.

:param iFilefile

Input file name or path of the input file

:param oFilefile

Output file name or path pf the output file

:param maxEuclideanDistanceint

The user can specify maxEuclideanDistance. This program find pairs of values whose Euclidean distance is less than or equal to maxEucledianDistace and store the pairs.

param seperator:

str : This variable is used to distinguish items from one another in a transaction. The default seperator is tab space. However, the users can override their default separator.


find and store the pairs of values whose Euclidean distance is less than or equal to maxEucledianDistace.


This function returns output file name.

Importing this algorithm into a python program

from PAMI.extras.neighbours import findNeighboursUsingEuclidean as db

obj = db.findNeighboursUsingEuclidean(iFile, oFile, 10, "   ")
getFileName() str[source]

PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighboursUsingGeodesic module

class PAMI.extras.neighbours.findNeighboursUsingGeodesic.createNeighborhoodFileUsingGeodesicDistance(iFile: str, oFile: str, maxDistance: float, seperator='\t')[source]

Bases: object

This class create a neighbourhood file using Geodesic distance.

:param iFilefile

Input file name or path of the input file

:param oFilefile

Output file name or path pf the output file

:param maxDistancefloat

The user can specify maxDistance in Km(Kilometers). This program find pairs of values whose Geodesic distance is less than or equal to maxDistace and store the pairs.

param seperator:

str : This variable is used to distinguish items from one another in a transaction. The default seperator is tab space. However, the users can override their default separator.


find and store the pairs of values whose Geodesic distance is less than or equal to maxDistace.


This function returns output file name.

Importing this algorithm into a python program

from PAMI.extras.neighbours import findNeighboursUsingGeodesic as db

 obj = db.findNeighboursUsingGeodesic(iFile, oFile, 10, "   ")

Module contents